Correlation among adaptability and stability methodologies for soybean genotypes in regions of degraded areas
Coefficient. Multi-Environments. Glycine max.Resumo
Comparison of methods of adaptability and stability has raised interest, and there are SOME studies dealing on the subject; with that, this study aimed to estimate the correlation coefficient for adaptability and stability parameters in regions of degraded areas for grain yield, using competition experiments of soybean genotypes in the agricultural years of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 in the municipalities of Gurupi and Palmas – State of Tocantins-TO, Brazil. The association among the mean and the methodologies of Plaisted and Peterson, Wricke, Annicchiarico, Finlay and Wilkinson, Eberhart and Russell, Tai Lin and Binns modified by Carneiro and Centroid was verified by Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient. The methods of Plaisted, Peterson, and Wricke are associated with the highest stability and they are independent of adaptability to general, favorable, and unfavorable environment and should be used with restraint. Cultivars with high yield and adapted to favorable environments may be the best indicated alternative according to the method developed by Lin and Binns modified by Carneiro, Annicchiarico, and Centroid. The method of Eberhart and Russell may preferably be used for considering the productivity, stability, and adaptability simultaneously to general, favorable, and unfavorable environments The simultaneous use of Lin and Binns’ methodologies modified by Carneiro, Annicchiarico, Centroid, and Eberhart and Russell can assist in selecting the promising genotypes for regions of degraded areas of the Amazonian “cerrado”.Downloads
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