Work Alienation Intervention in Job-Related Tension, Role Overload and Work Effort


  • Amran Awang Universiti Teknologi MARA



higher education, academician, work effort, role-overload, job-related tensions, work alienation, Egypt


This study examines the extent of direct effect of job-related tension and role overload on work effort. In addition, the mediating role of work alienation in the relationships between job-related tension, role overload and work effort were ascertained. The study utilizes 367 academicians working in El-Azhar University, a higher education institution in Egypt. Hypotheses were verified using direct and mediated multiple regression technique suggesting all five direct and two mediated relationship substantiated. The results proved that in order to enhance work effort in the university, work alienation, job-related tension and role overload are required to be removed or reduced. Subsequently, work alienation poses intervening effect in job related tension and role overload and work effort relationships.

Biografia do Autor

Amran Awang, Universiti Teknologi MARA

Associate Professor of entrepreneurship Lecture for undergraduates in technology entrepreneurship and research methodology and post graduate strategic management courses.


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